
Listed below are categories, some with subcategories, click image to go to each category.
British Isles
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British Isles 15 sub-categories

Maps of the British Isles. The thirteen subcategories are: Whole of Britain, England & Wales, English Counties, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, British Islands, Regional, Ordnance survey & Estate Plans, Road Maps, Town Plans, London, Waterways & Railways, Folding maps. 


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Europe 8 sub-categories

Maps of Europe, parts of Europe and European countries. The subcategories are: Whole of Europe, France, Holland, Spain & Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium & Luxembourg, Switzerland.

Eastern Europe & Turkey
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Eastern Europe & Turkey 67 maps

Maps of Eastern Europe covering Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Black Sea, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, North Macedonia, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia & Czechia.

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Scandinavia 25 maps

Maps of Demark, Norway and Sweden.

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Mediterranean 20 maps

Maps of Islands in the Mediterranean, Greece, and parts of the African Mediterranean coast.

Middle East
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Middle East 42 maps

Maps of the Middle East from Israel to Syria, Iran, Iraq and the  Arabian peninsula.

Far East & India
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Far East & India 40 maps

Maps of India, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines & Malaysia, and Islands in the Indian Ocean.

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Asia 38 maps

Maps of Asia including Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan.

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Africa 66 maps

Maps of The African continent, parts of Africa and African countries.

North America
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North America 61 maps

Maps of the North American continent, United States, Canada, Alaska and Arctic regions.

Central America & West Indies
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Central America & West Indies 19 maps

Maps of Mexico and Central America including the West Indies.

South America
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South America 32 maps

Maps of the South American Continent and South American countries.

Australasia & Pacific
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Australasia & Pacific 48 maps

Maps of Australia, Parts of Australia, New Zealand and Islands in the Pacific including Polynesia.

Atlantic & Poles
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Atlantic & Poles 11 maps

Maps of the North and South Polar regions and Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

Sea Charts
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Sea Charts 21 maps

Sea Charts and maps of sea areas from around the world including Ports and Harbours.

World Maps and Charts
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World Maps and Charts 30 maps

World Maps including geographical, topographical, meteorological and geological charts.

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Celestial 6 maps

Celestial maps and charts. Maps and diagrams of the solar system and planets. Eclipse maps.

Historical Maps
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Historical Maps 68 maps

Maps depicting ancient history, historical events, old empires, theological regions, famous journeys and battle plans.

War Issue Maps
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War Issue Maps 108 maps

Maps issued for the use of the military or with military information by the Ordnance survey and others of Britain and the rest of the world.