British Isles

Maps of the British Isles. The 13 Subcategories are: Whole of Britain, England & Wales, English Counties, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, British Islands, Regional, Ordnance survey & Estate Plans, Road Maps, Town Plans, London, Waterways & Railways, Folding maps.


Whole of Britain & British Isles
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Whole of Britain & British Isles 15 maps

Maps of the whole of Britain the British Isles.

England & Wales
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England & Wales 31 maps

Maps of England and Wales, not showing Scotland but may include Ireland.

English Counties
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English Counties 39 sub-categories

Maps of the 39 English counties.

Wales Maps
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Wales Maps 4 sub-categories

Maps of the whole of Wales, North and South Wales, and Welsh counties.

Scotland Maps
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Scotland Maps 2 sub-categories

Maps of Scotland, parts of Scotland, Scotland county maps and Scottish Islands.

Ireland Maps
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Ireland Maps 2 sub-categories

Maps of Ireland, parts of Ireland and Irish counties.

British Islands
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British Islands 4 sub-categories

Maps of the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Scottish Islands and Other British Islands.

Regional Maps
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Regional Maps 81 maps

Regional maps and parts of Britain and parts of counties including maps of environs and sectional maps by surveyors and publishers other than Ordnance Survey.

Road Maps
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Road Maps 6 sub-categories

Road maps of Britain by John Ogilby, Emanuel Bowen, John Cary and others.

Town Plans
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Town Plans 95 maps

Plans and birds eye views of towns and cities in the British Isles.

London Maps
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London Maps 3 sub-categories

Maps of the Whole of London, Parts of London and the Environs of London.

Waterways & Railways
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Waterways & Railways 15 maps

Maps of the Railways, Waterways and Canal maps of the British Isles.

Folding Maps
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Folding Maps 138 maps

Maps within the British Isles issued as a folding map. Not including folding maps of other parts of the world which are listed with sheet maps in their country headings.

Ordnance Survey Maps
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Ordnance Survey Maps 7 sub-categories

Unfolded sheet maps produced and published by The Ordnance Survey. Ordnance survey maps issued as a folded map are listed under the category "Folding Maps".

Estate and Building Plans
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Estate and Building Plans 16 maps

Estate and Building plans including Sale Documents with plans attached.