Cheshire Maps

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£140 Smith, Charles. 1804 Ref: m2345
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Size guide - reference image
51x45 cm

Fine detailed large folio map engraved by Smith and Jones of Islington. Charles Smith was a stationer who sold maps and Globes from The Strand in London and was not related to the engravers. This series of maps were the inspiration for a similar series by John Cary and the engraving quality was not surpassed by Cary's production. Smith's maps were issued individually as they were completed from 1801with the completed atlas apppearing in 1804 beating Cary's complete production by 5 years. The maps were published in several editions and many issues (at least 14) of Smith's New English Atlas until 1839, while also being issued as loose sheet maps during this period. The final appearance of the maps was by lithographic transfer in Smith & Son's new series of county maps published by Smith & Son. (Again, no relation to Charles Smith.)
Fine example from the first atlas edition of 1804 in full original hand colour.


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