Hampshire Maps

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£90 John Haywood 1791 Ref: m5524
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Size guide - reference image
46x34 cm

Haywood Del. | Sudlow Sculp.
Engraved for J. Harrison, 115, Newgate Street, as the Act directs, Dec.r 16. 1788.

Drawn by John Haywood and engraved by Sudlow, the maps in the series were initially issued at monthly intervals bearing dates from September 1787 but production faltered and issues became erratic with the final map, Sussex, bearing the date of March 1791. The completed series first appearing in Maps of the English Counties… published by John Harrison in 1791. Despite the claims in the title that the maps were from a new survey, the information was probably taken from the maps by Thomas Kitchin and Emanuel Bowen in the Large English Atlas of 1749. The work was not a success and a new edition at a reduced price was issued the following year.
Good example, vertical folds as usual. Fine hand colour.


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