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£16 Sidney Hall 1826 Ref: a6007.2ng
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Size guide - reference image
24x19 cm

Sid.y Hall del et sculp.t

Drawn and engraved by Sidney Hall (1788?-1831), engraver, cartographer and copperplate printer. He is almost certainly the first engraver to use steel plates for map engraving, using plates manufactured by Jacob Perkins as early as 1821. He married Selina Price (1780?-1853) in 1821. Following his death in 1831, Selina continued the business of map engraving, signing her engravings simply as “S. Hall” which has caused confusion in cartographic bibliographies. 
Published in Samuel Butler's Atlas of Modern Geography by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green.
Original outline hand colour.
Some light offsetting, otherwise good.


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