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£15 Turkey Starling 1831 Ref: a6020.48
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Size guide - reference image
15x9 cm

London. Published for the Proprietors, by MrBull Holles S.t Cavendish Square, Dec.r 1.st 1830.

Miniature steel engraving by Thomas Starling (1796-1850) published in his Family Cabinet Atlas by Mr. Bull, Holles Street, London 1830.
The announcement of its publication appeared in The Atheneum Journal of Literature, Science and Fine Arts March 6 1830, and on publication, was praised by the Journal as "a work of no small brilliancy...minuteness of form has not impaired the clearness of delineation...is highly creditable to the artist, Mr Starling".
Original hand colour. With original engraved index page.


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