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£30 1686 Christian Slaves Mallet Ref: 2677gu
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11x16 cm
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Christliche Sclaven.

Copper engraving produced by Alain Manneson Mallet for his Description de L'Univers... first published Paris, Denys Thierry, 1683 with re-issues until the early 1700's.

Alain Mannesson Mallet (1630-1706) was a French cartographer and engineer. He was also a skilled draughstman and most plates in his work are engraved from his drawings. He began his career as a soldier in the army of Louis XIV, became a Serjeant Major in the artillery and an Inspector of Fortifications. He also served in the army of Portugal before returning to France and becoming a mathematics master at the French court. 

The plate describes the various methods of torture and execution used on Christian slaves on the Barbary coast.

Very good example from a German issue [c.1686?] in neat hand colour.

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